Yep, even on Labor Day, there’s still time for a new Mintage Monday!

I’m pretty sure these were the first bespoke metal coins I ever bought to upgrade a board game.
Lords Of Waterdeep holds a special place in my heart, as it was the first worker placement game I ever played. It opened my eyes to one of my favorite mechanisms, and broadened my definition of a board game.

When I saw these coins from The Broken Token years ago, I couldn’t resist the upgrade!
These coins are absolutely fantastic, not only because of the custom shapes, but because they’re chunky and heavy and look genuinely beautiful. The only downside? They’re very expensive.

I’m not sure I can recommend them anymore, considering Fantasy Coin now makes a gorgeous LoW set for less money, but I will forever love these coins not just for beautifying a game so important to me, but for sending me down the path of upgrading so many of my games with metal coins.

Wait… Should I love them for that, or *blame* them for it?

CLICK HERE for the archive of previous Mintage Monday posts, and check back every Monday for more awesome metal coins you can add to your favorite board games!